Tactical Tomahawks
10 products
The Tactical Tomahawk - Perfect for Your Survival Kit
Whether you are preparing for a zombie apocolypse or just preparing for the worst, what better tool to have than a tactical tomahawk? While our hawks are designed for backyard throwing and outdoor survival, the military uses it for intimidation. Every so often we hear stories from first hand soldiers about how the tomahawk is wielded by many soldiers even today. The story goes that those soldiers with tomahawks are the ones that are feared the most...
Getting Your Own Tactical Tomahawk
With the emergence of movies and TV shows with the theme of zombie apocalypse more and more people are becoming interested in buying their own tactical tomahawk. The “apocalypse” may not happen in reality but owning a tomahawk will surely be helpful.
A tactical tomahawk is one of the most famous tools used for military trainings and even outdoor survival. This tool proves to be really handy equipment that can be used for multiple purposes. Using a tactical tomahawk for wilderness survival is not a new thing; many soldiers find this equipment more helpful along with the ever handy army knife. Read more on survival uses of tomahawk!