Throwing Axes

55 products

Huge Selection of Throwing Axes

Buy from us with the largest selection of axes, hatchets, and tomahawks on the internet today. Find all sizes and types of throwing and tactical axes here. Our throwing axes come from brands such as SOG, CAS Hanwei, and Whetstone Cutlery. We will not disappoint with these hand-picked gems. If you want to learn more about how to throw an axe please visit our education center.

An Axe is Handy

Having an axe handy while camping is a must to help you create the perfect campfire (what is camping without a campfire to keep you warm, tin foil dinners, and marshmallows?) with the resources/wood around you. However, sometimes in a world where technology is always there to entertain, what do you do when cell phone reception is nonexistent and the daylight still has hours to go until you can enjoy your perfect campfire? Well we have one solution for you that if done safely, can bring enjoyment by all. We have throwing axes that can double as a helpful tool and keep your enjoyment up during your camping trip.

Learn How to Throw 'Em

Now if you’re just looking for enjoyment and learning a new skill, the 3-in-1 Tomahawk Throwing Kit is ideal for the throwing enthusiast. Featuring the "How to Throw a Tomahawk" How-To Book, Custom Throwing Tomahawk, and Extra Hickory Tomahawk Handle for $24.99! If you’re looking for something to pass of a merit badge during boy scouts or learn a new skill, throwing axes or tomahawks can provide just that.

We obviously understand that putting sharp object, such as a throwing axe, in the hands of our youth can be a little scary for leaders and parents. Rest assured there are ways to create a controlled environment and learn how to throw axes. You are more than welcome to check out our article featured in the Scouting Magazine on “How To (safely) add Tomahawk Throwing to Your Next Scouting Event.” If you are comfortable with axe throwing at your next scouting event, take time to look at our deals for boy scouts-usually found on the right hand navigation of our site. We provide how-to books, extra handles, and enough axes to keep things interesting-I mean, safe. Happy axe throwing!

Showing 1 - 24 of 55 products
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On Sale! BLADED™ Throwing Axe w/Sheath - Made in USAOn Sale! BLADED™ Throwing Axe w/Sheath - Made in USA
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Oil Tempered High Carbon Steel HeadAward Winning Throwing Tomahawk
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Wax Coated Tomahawk HandlesChrome Competition Throwing Tomahawk
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a tomahawk sized for a small adult in front of cut logs and a grove of treesHandy 16 inch Mouse Tomahawk
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Beautiful Polished Chrome Finish on the Spike hawkThrower Supply
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Chrome Viking AxeThe Thrower Supply Logo
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Blue Tempered High Carbon Steel Axe HeadThrower Supply Logo
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Custom Eagle Hand Carved TomahawkHigh Carbon Steel Blade
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Chrome Mouse Throwing TomahawkStraight Grain USA Made Hickory Handles
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Tomahawk Axe Throwing 3-in-1 PackageThrowing Tomahawk Axe for Beginner
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Hammer TomahawkHammer back for driving tent stakes
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Throwing Tomahawk Designed for Boy ScoutsScout Throwing Tomahawk
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Francisca Throwing AxeThrower Supply Tomahawks
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Custom Fleur Design TomahawkHand Forged Head
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Custom Design Snake TomahawkHand Forged Head
Hand Forged HeadThrower Supply Logo
13 1/2 Inch Black Savage Throwing Axe
Norse Tomahawk by Cold Steel4 inch blade edge

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